Friday, April 3, 2015


We didn’t behave well.
We didn’t display a spicy attitude before Him.
He wasn’t angry.
He wasn’t just satisfied with our acts, so He decided to put us through a test.

That was Dad’s fond way of adjusting and discipline us when need be.

It was time to eat,
And as usual He served,
But this time He served us a bowl of unbalanced diet.
He was capable of affording a much more palatable meal so we were surprised on seeing what He presented before us.

We stared at the bowl before us, waiting to see who would first dip his hands in and partake of.
We had no idea what Dad was up to but we knew His plans for us were of good and not of evil so we had

no need to be afraid but we were curious.
… We never ate such a meal and it baffled us on seeing Him give us that to eat.

What happened to Dad’s standards?
Did they Drop? No!
He never changes! He’s still the same..

We looked into each other’s faces in turns as we communicated in our hearts..” Dad! What is before us?”
We cried.
“Your dinner of course”, He responded.

On hearing this,  we swallowed spit down our throats as we thought of eating the dinner.

Just as we made attempt to start eating, a stench filled the air thereby leading us to cover our nostrils with the face of our palms.
…We could perceive pride, lies, and envy coming right from the bowl.
…Flies accompanied the stench and we struggled to chase them off our faces.

Of course! We couldn’t eat such…
What wrong had we done? Why would Dad come up with this as a meal?

…”Must it be the test?”
Oh my! Early in the morning we sowed seeds of pride, greed and envy as we displayed before Him.
And it was time to have dinner, we were expecting a palatable meal. Impossible!

We didn’t need any further explanation on what was going on, Dad had  just carried out one of His tests on
 us and we had to go hungry all night…

But then came the morning, we mended our ways..
And now life to us is a bowl of tasty, spicy and sumptuous meal.


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