Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Swirling our bodies around we shook as we danced in the presence of the large crowd before us.
… No one knew what we had in mind and what our aim was while we danced, they were even amazed on seeing us…

Because they knew we were not dancing to get paid,
We had more than enough to afford our needs,so we weren’t using this as a means to get alms.
We weren’t bothered about how much stress it would cost us, we were much more concerned on making sure our audiences were getting entertained…
Nnamdi was next to me and I noticed fatigue was giving him a call but he couldn’t pick up(smile). He had the interest of the people before him at heart and he was devoted at what he was doing, not even thinking of anything else.
Tick tack tick tack, we silently hummed as we imagined time taking a stroll. Seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours and yet we were still dancing.
“Kpatum kpikim ketum kpam”
The sound of the drum too filled the air thereby giving us steps and moves to make, as we shook.
“When are we going to ever stop?” I asked myself,
…I could see how eager the people were and they looked like they seemed to be enjoying the whole show but they did not have an atom of idea on the weight of pain we suffered.
Some encouraged us as they applauded, smiled and even danced along.
Others, cared less on the effort we were making to entertain them.
Many of them earlier had burdens in their heart back home. But as they came to the scene and watched us dance, they had their minds off it and even could tilt their lips to curve a smile but they didn’t deem it fit to appreciate us.
But it didn’t remove an inch from us,
We kept dancing on and on as we thought of what effect we were making.
This brings me to this:
As we live, We watch, stare and enjoy good tidings come to us free of charge.
Of course! Someone is behind all of it, Someone is tirelessly and vigorously dancing to ensure we are happy and relaxed.
Only a few take out time to clap hands in appreciation and dance along trying to get involved.


for more of her work click here

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