Most people have a couple of these moments throughout their existence, moments like when you set your eyes upon your first child or when you see a long lost love or perhaps when you come upon a billion dollars (never heard that anyway). Such moments alter you, they bring out a person that was never born yet lived-on from such moments. This was the case of the children of native Duran when they saw the green seas.
Long ago in a land of myth and bare chest men, there lived four evil children. Four children who found no joy or freedom in their quiet homeland of Duran, so one day after a good meal of lamb ribs and a week old milk, they set out. They set out with four nickels in each pocket, three compasses to guide, two fire touches for the nights ahead and one reason to see the new world. They made their way through the yellow roads they vowed never to walk again except they got lost and wanted to return home. They followed the sun by day and slept in the warm desert sand by night staring lustily at the moon. The children of Duran’s search brought then to the end of the sea of desert and the beginning of the vast land thinning out to the end of the world.
At the juncture where all directions appeared pleasant, the most evil of the four evil children of Duran choose a path, a path that would lead them into a forest in the valley of Stockholm. In the vast beauty of untamed serenity and wild peace the four delinquents found no peace, instead, the least wise of the four evil children of Duran led the way out of the beauty of Stockholm and into the wilderness to find a new home, but not before every child bequeath a Nickel for remembrance. A new home they sought into the untamed wilderness of the south, pushing through the windy highlands of Berska. They sacrificed one Nickel each to the haunted souls of the wind before they found an old oasis where most men found peace, but the evil children of Duran had little use for peace, so they laid another Nickel each in gratitude to the Oasis before wondering away and towards mystery.
Seven day of wondering the dusty plains, seven days of ruing their naked faith and the least evil of the four evil children of Duran found a bridge. It was a bridge for lost men seeking to end their vagabond faith. On that bridge they found a beggar who took a penny from every traveler and sang a rhythm-less song in exchange. But the four evil children possessed no penny hence each paid a Nickel for one rhythm-less song which they hummed to the other end of the bridge.
How far they trudged from that bridge, no man knew for certain, but what I heard from another vagabond who crossed the path of the four evil children of Duran was that they found the green sea; the sea where they found joy, happiness and a reason never to return home.
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