Mostly good, clean and healthy benefits I presume. This will increase a desire for more bite of the apple. If an apple can mean a bundle of only good feelings, how much more love?
Can you imagine that if the apple was a piece of love instead, is there not suppose to be a greater feeling inside you than eating an apple? Love then should only be a bundle of things that are good, healthy, clean and pure. Infact, it should create a craving for more of love. But how some people have come to express bad feelings such jealousy, insecurity and frustration with love bothers me. Can something as pure and good as love be unhealthy or bad? Or does love has two taste in the soul, shades to the eye or feeling to the heart?
Well, the goodness of the apple can never be questioned, why then the goodness of love? If someone comes and expresses bitterness after taking a bite of the apple, would you not quickly assume the problem is with the person’s sense organs and not the apple? It is the same way I blame the people not love when love becomes negative to them. Love is suppose to represent everything chaste, pure, healthy, satisfying, fulfilling and blissful.
Anyone feeling anything the reverse of this has issues inside him that he has to deal with or else love will not express its true nature to the person. I demur everytime someone says that loves hurts. Love is too pure and holy to ever hurt anyone. It is the fear, doubts and securities inside one that makes love taste otherwise. The goodness of love should never be questioned.
Drinking clean water is something wonderful to the system. But when this clean water is consumed with a dirty cup, can anyone drinking from it blame his sickness on the clean water? That’s how people who have become sick at heart blame love for their malady. If they had cleaned out their heart (i.e. cup) love would have expressed its very beauty to them. But no. Love consumed in a jealous heart breeds more jealousy. Love consumed in a fearful heart creates more fears. Love consumed through an insecure heart breeds more insecurity. If you happen to have this output most times in love, its time to clean out your input channels from all negative feelings and habits that will corrupt love’s true nature.
The things dominating the cup (i.e. heart) making it unfit for love to truly express itself are greed, lust, intemperance, unreasonableness, intolerance, pride, anger, and an unbridled tongue. Other things that may cause this is your experience in life or how you were groomed to view love. Are you afraid that love will turn you into something stupid? Are you guarding against love because you think love breeds pain? If former experiences have made you come to such conclusions, then bury this, because such thoughts makes your cup unfit for new love to come in and express its true nature. It is all lies that love can mean anything the reverse of chasteness of soul and purity of heart to you. Begin to sanitize now your soul to enjoy the magical touch of love.
So replace your cup with pureness and cleanliness that comes from joy, peace, wholesome, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, mildness, tolerance, temperance, generosity, self-control and a graceful tongue.
When love comes, accept it and enjoy it while it lasts. Yes, love does not come in once just to last forever. Love comes to fill your soul with memories and may go to allow other love to come and fill you with better memories. So when love chooses to go, let it go as you readily leave high school when your time there is up. Instead of feeling embittered and depressed, be grateful for the good memories that it left with you in its wake. An attitude like this will attract better love experiences into your life. In fact, a life that is lived in this manner will never experience the pain of a broken heart or the torture of the unloved soul.
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