enjoy being a boy around her? Instead of giving attention to her he will come to love himself more. There is no way you will find a way into his heart because his male friends haven’t also. Prove to be a lady! The boy is suppose to be fascinated by her “Rose-iness” instead of have her around for a good ol’ boys time.
She has to always remember she is a “Lady” and bury the idea that she is to have fun together with him. Although, this may seem appropriate the years before they come to the teen years, but after this, the girl must send clear signals to him that she has developed into a Rose now and has to be treated indeed like a Lady. You win a boys attention when you act differently from his nature, especially in a way that commands his respect and appreciation of you. So you should not be doing any of these things:
Offering to do his tasks for him or helping him out of difficult situations.
Arguing about the things he loves with him e.g sports or politics etc.
Hanging around with him in places that he feels very comfortable as a boy.
Spending a lot of time with him and his male friends.
Prove to him you are smarter or can perform better than him.
Insist he gives you attention especially when he does not feel inclined.
Making him know you would rather spend your time with him.
Showing more affection than he is ready to give.
And countless other things that will make a guy love the fact that he is a boy when dealing with you. He needs to be shaken out of his comfort zone if he will give you any attention at all.
The second thing a Lady speaks with is her looks. The Rose appears so pretty that is why it is considered attractive. The reason why your body is designed differently is to appeal to him. Your dressing can help furnish this idea greatly. Let your manner of dressing command the respect and honor of a Lady and not the lusting after of a whore. Creating unhealthy appetites in boys through provocative dressing will bring to you an attention, the kind that we are not talking of here. It is like the scent of an estranged sheep that draws wolves. So hide this scent well and you shall preserve your honor and respect as a Lady. Be concealing yet speak delicately with your dressing and grooming. You do not want to be consumed by the scorch of lust and unhealthy sexual appetites do you? Your mature choice of outlook should intend to send out only signals of charm, appeal and dignity.
Appear to be needing help. Boys love to be needed and you become more attractive if you can create more opportunities like this. Be careful though, you do not insist this obligation on them. If a boy concludes by himself that he can help, he feels more authority and joy helping out. And if it requires that you ask for help, ask in such a manner that he feels like he is a knight responding to the distress call of a damsel. Boys love to be heroes! When he demands to help, let him and give him plenty of warm compliments and a graceful smile. They have to be real and genuine though. We boys can always sense otherwise. He may have forgetten that he helped carry the load but the good feelings that your smile and compliments brought to his soul is what stays with a long time. In fact, he will be seeking for ways to win more smiles and compliments from you by looking for other ways he can help you because you have proven yourself a worthy Lady. A Rose never lacks attention, also a Lady.
You may have realised though that the girl who flirts expresses the same qualities we have listed in this article. In fact, flirtation is so effective that it usually draws the heart of the target boy. But when the target boy draws closer to her heart and sees that all the attraction are false, he finds the nearest route out of the relationship. Do not flirt! Rather, master the beauty of your heart that it becomes a true reflection of your outer self. A flirt is a deceiver and beneath she is never beautiful. A Lady is a true gem and beneath there is always more beauty.
Every girl must also know that it is a man’s world. She will not succeed by playing by his tactics except she develops a method of her own. A man takes a hustle, duels with it, conquers and grows from it, but a woman will probably be drained by it. She does not need contesting with the man to make her way, this will prove futile. But there is a way around this. She must speak strongly her true nature as a Lady. Why contest when they can bow for you? Imagine now a palm begins to shoot its head for sunlight, the surrounding palms will fight it vigorously for its chances of survival. But instead of prove to be a young palm, you are a Rose rising in among the mature palms trees. Indeed, the mature palm trees will bend away for you to let some shine on you. Being a lady is your ultimate advantage in a man’s world.
This article has not listed all the steps that you need to carry out your transformation from a Thorn into a Rose. To truly achieve this, appreciate your nature, love it and seek the understanding that will bring your core beauty to the fore.Every boy will like any girl. No girl deserves to be best friend to a boy when she has no one loving her. She deserves to be adored by every boy. She shouldn’t lack attention. This comes from expressing knowing and applying her natural grace. If you want to be transformed, begin looking for the beauty inside your heart and not in every cosmetic shop for a solution.
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