Friday, April 3, 2015


Fear is by far the greatest emotional barrier that stops people from maximizing their potential. Fear is a prison that keeps you from becoming all you can be. Fear has kept many people from developing. Fear comes in different forms, it may be the fear of mistake/failure, fear of success, fear of the unknown, fear of criticisms, fear of rejection, or even fear of death. In whatever form the fear appears, be sure it only exist in one place; your mind.

Someone once defined fear as "False Evidence Appearing Real". Fear focuses on what could go wrong instead of what would go right. When we look back in our lives, we will discover that most of the things we do out of fear didn't work out well. Our fear is not as a result of our uncertainty but as a result of our lack of trust in ourselves. The fear of making mistakes or failure is perhaps the worst kind of fear. But if we look around us, you will find out that those who have never failed are those who have never tried challenging ventures. Winners are never afraid of losing. They focus on winning, even when they lose they remain persistent.

 In the Holy Book, we read about a young fearless boy named David. When the Israelite soldiers met Goliath on the battle field, there were overwhelmed with fear. But when David arrived at the battle ground, he was not swept over by the physical attributes of Goliath, rather he relied on the power of God to defeat Goliath. David is perhaps the most courageous person in the Bible. He never acted out of fear. Courage is not the absence of fear, rather it means doing the right thing inspite of fear. Every man has to face his own Goliath, the success of our encounter will depend on how courageous we go through
that experience. American Speaker , Max Lucado said "Feed your fear and your faith will starve, feed your faith and your fear will starve." Use your faith to combat your fear.

 Whenever we entertain fear, we have also sent an invitation to worry. Worry magnifies our challenges. Someone was said "There is nothing that waste the body like worry, and one who has faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever." Most times, what we worry about are the things we don't have control over. Fear shift your focus away from the solution, worry keeps us focused on the problem. Many worry about what others will think or say about them.

 Fear is the greatest tool the devil uses against the believers. The devil understands that you can never express the power and nature of God whenever you're afraid. Nothing sucks our faith like fear. God has equipped us with the power to conquer fear.

 In conclusion, the potent antidote to fear is courage. Fear is a thing of the mind. Make that decision today, put that call through today, talk to that person you love, put in for that course. Don't just read this article and just build your knowledge base. Act now. Act fast.

Ask wisely.

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