Saturday, February 13, 2016


Book Tittle: The Future Is Now
Author: Uwem Archibong
Publisher: The Nuglobe Company
Pages: 72
Chapters: 7
ISBN: 978-978-901-043-1

Chapter 1: How do you define Reality? The Superiority of the Intangible.

Reality: The state of being real or actual.Superiority: The state of been Superior( high in rank or quality)
Intangible: Incapable of been percieved by the Senses, Incorporeal.
It is appalling how people underestimate their Dreams,Passion,Vision,Skills and Ability(The Intangibles) because of their current situation(Reality).People allow their present Situation predicit their Future.e.g You hear people saying I want to become a Doctor, but I dont think its possible because My Parents are Poor etc. forgetting that "The State of your Mind determine Your State in Earth".
Our dreams, thoughts , Passion etc are Superior to our present reality and can someday become the Reality of our Lifes. Your thoughts and desires that carry strong emotions will someday become your reality. The Intangible is superior to the tangible (present situation because the future lies in the Intangible.
Realize that the dreams you have now can become your Reality but it depends on the way you treat them.
My Fav Quote: Your Dreams are like Your Children, they need to be nutured and supported in other to grow but above all they need to be Set free in order to become Reality. ( The transition of our Dreams(Intangible) to Reality(Future) ).

Chapter 2:The Intangible and the Future/ The Future is Here.
Now we know the importance of the Intangible. The Future is hidden in d Intangible.
What we have not seen Presently is already existing somewhere and its waiting for its day of Manifestation.
Enough of the Dreaming and Desiring ,Start Doing because the Future is Here.
What ever you want to achieve or whatever you desire to have, you must first desire it in your mind, then take action in order to achieve it.Faith without work is dead so also Your dreams and Desires without work or actions is rendered Vain or unrealistic.
Your Tomorrow is already determined by your actions of today. The Decisions or indecisions of today are already moulding tomorrow. If you decide not to make a decision, remember that Indecision in itself is a Decision. Do the right things and fill your day with the right Activities. I believe the starting point is having the God Factor work in  your favour.

Chapter 3:The God Factor / The Salvation Experience.
In the Secular World , you hear words like' Its my life and I can do anything with it' . 'I am a Big Girl now and I dont want to be under any ones control'.
Please Excuse Me for a Minute, If you don't have absolute control over the initialisation, procession and Termination of your Life on Earth, how then can you say without reservation that Your life is Absolutely Yours? There is obviously someone behind the scene holding it all together. He is the God Almighty and he owns our life's. He created You and I because of his Plan for Us. Then ask Yourself, What is that Plan? How can I fulfill the Plan He have for Me? You can only do that by knowing him Personally as Your Father and Friend- The Salvation Experience. Without this the main purpose or True Essense of Man is lost because in God we live, move and have our being.

Chapter 4: What then am I here to do? Do the Future Today .
No two Persons in the Whole World is the same , we are all unique in our ways so also  Every one has a Unique purpose.
Man was made to rule and have Dominion over the Earth as God in the Heavens.
In the bid to discover our Purpose(God's Purpose) do remember that your actions, motives and words must Foster Righteousness, Peace, Joy and Love.
Take actions in line with the intangible dreams of your Heart there by making it Tangible.
Start doing the Future that you desire today.Be the change you seek. Reject Spectatorship , be a Participant.Make decisions in line with God.
Use God principle and the resources that God had placed at your disposal to create the future you foresee.
We are here to make the Earth like God's kingdom.

Chapter 5:Important things to your Future:
 There are a number of things that we need to do or have in order to achieve the desired Future which is also God's purpose for Us.
Your Character
Your Mentor
Your Values and Time Usuage.
All this are inevitable to achieve our desired Future.

Chapter 6: Do not sign out too Early.
People tend to be Pround and Selfish when they are successful, they tend to forget that we are not here for ourselves alone.
Others get too satisfied too early with their little Success or Accomplishments just because they want to Satisfy themselves alone.
Whatever you become, have or can do is Ultimately for the benefit of Others. Expand your Horizon, dream like without you been Successful,the the World will be in shambles .Maximize and Fulfil your Potential by living for others and not yourself alone because living for just yourself is the least you can be. Dream Big, Dream Wide... What are you dreaming about?

Chapter 7:Your Future is in Eternity
The impact of our Choices are Colossal and Trans-generational. The impact of our choices today will outlive us to the point of influencing our children. What we do today is making unfathomable impact on Years to come and more important on Eternity.
So do the Future now by doing what is right and appropriate before Man and God because it will eventually pay in the end which is Eternity... Its up to you to make the right decision.

Do the Future Now!!!!!!

My #Dare2doChallenge

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