industries which are willing to produce not only at a domestic level but at a global scale.
Let’s take a good look at the United Kingdom, where most individuals love foreign goods such as clothes, shoes because they feel that foreign is better, this is also applicable in Nigeria the only difference is that N igeria lacks the adequate infrastructure to produce on a large scale while the U.K is basically tax based ,anyways that’s a topic for another day.
Currently the price of oil is on free fall and so is the Nigeria economy even though there has been predictions on the current state of the country by economist there have been little done on establishing the local domestic Market and that is killing the Naira. Example as of last year, the director of monetary policy of the CBN disclosed that in the first five months of last year 575 million dollars on importing wheat alone wait that’s not all,374million dollars was spent on fish and 349 million dollars on importing electrical and electronic gadgets into Nigeria. YES IT SHOCKED ME TOO…
All these importation affects our dollar reserve, we currently have a low reserve of dollars in stock because we keep on spending and spending, forgetting that we need to earn more dollars by patronizing our Nigerian Made products. I am a big fan of Senator Ben Murray-Bruce and his common sense policy, but really how hard can it be for Nigeria to develop the industries found in Aba(a developing town in Abia state, Nigeria).It saddens me to see how abandoned and left out that section of Nigeria is, with its commercial potential Nigerians could bother less about Italian shoes and look more on Nigerian made shoes. But how is it that our government is just waking up to this reality,OIL.Oil whether you like it or not is basically the life source of Nigeria in the economic sense and since the price continued to fall even below the budgeted price, the government is slowly realizing its fault, I just hope we are not too late.
But I blame you, yes you. You Nigerians that think anything locally made is fake, you Nigerians that order and wait months for Prada, Gucci, Apple phones etc just to get the latest accessories and gadget, when we have our domestic phone industry here. Nigerians that think because it is made in Aba it is fake, you Nigerians that think we print dollars in Nigeria and end up disturbing the banks for dollars. Note the CBN does not print dollars we earn it and how can we provide dollars to you and your business if you don’t export the products you make and how can you make those products if you don’t have an Industry.
Just a simple current fact, today 21st February 2016.the naira to dollar rate is 360 to 1 dollar in the parallel and call me pessimistic but it will continue to fall until sense enters the typical Nigerian man.
I am a patriotic Nigerian Student.
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