Monday, October 26, 2015

Lamentation of a Lagos Resident

                        URGENT CALL BEFORE LAGOS LOST IT

I am very sad today looking back at what started some eight years ago what we all felt would be the cradle of the transformation into the new Nigeria we are all clamoring for now deteriorating day after day.

It is conspicuous that the main reason which the 'plant a tree' programme was suppose to be for is lost time ago. When it all started everything was looking beautiful with the trees, the lawn at the right position and some other parks that can make you say Lagos is a mega city but now we lost it, the trees, grasses and flowers are beginning to constitute nuisance, the trees are not well maintained, they are not properly train, they lack purpose. The flowers are nothing to write home about. Taking Oshodi as a case study, you see grasses on the interlocks at Oshodi heritage park, all the lawn on the road bisector has been trampled.
It no more news that the then functioning 'emergency or roadside' hospitals on the highways are fading off due to inadequate or lack of maintenance, unavailability of personnel, repairing of the shades and probably the Nigeria politician 'know how', in other words divergence of fund. It is no gain saying that all this body is being handled by a capable hand because if they are it won't 't have been the come out.
Then everything seems to be regulated on the primary, secondary and tertiary road until all of a sudden the whole system looks like it has collapse. The danfo drivers as they are called don't stop to pick passengers on the middle of the road, 'a private' car owner drives with caution and makes sure his car is road worthy  before plying the road and now we seems to be seeing different things.
The LASTMA has been made useless in the eyes of everyone, they are now seen as a toothless bulldog, they are no more respected you now go from Osborne road to Golden gate; nothing less than 30mins, you now move from CMS to Tinubu road about like someone going to Kaduna from Oshodi, it is high time we get something done.
The last but not the least in the numerous problems facing Lagos State now is the case of the BRT buses. When it was first introduced we were all happy cause it's cheap, comfortable, neat as they do the sweeping after every trip, compare to other public transit in the state. The board of trustee are always on ground due to regular supervision by the government arm. What we have now make me feel like the bank of justice is empty whereby some will take the route which used to be N100 for N150 all in the name of 'unavailable' air conditioning because the government has lost track and has also lost aims and objective of the creation or is it wise to say they do not want any form of convenience for the masses?
The change we want is the change from the bad and worst situation to the better not the change from the good to the bad that we will all say a LOUD NO.
By this I will like to go by the word of Matin Luther King JNR "there will be neither rest nor tranquility in Lagos and Nigeria as a whole until it's people are granted the original citizen's right. The whirlwinds of revolt will continue to shake the foundation of our nation until the bright day of justice emerge.

Written by: OSINAIKE Damilola

Edited by: SOSANWO Toluwalope

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