Friday, October 16, 2015

An Ode to Lucy

Young and soft she was
Her countenance like the soothing sun
Her beauty was divine to us
And our lust after her had only just begun
The early years were the best of all
In the morning her smile was warm
At night I would hear her call
And I would come running through the storm
Of all the things she gave 
I cherished most the manner she spoke my name
It was not the only thing I sort or crave 
But I valued it over fortune and fame
She took my hands in hers one clear night
And led me to her favorite place in our lonely town
She said she knew I had fear for heights 
But on that cliff, she danced with me in her flowing evening gown
The years that followed were never like the tales of lore
The pretty happy girl and I, without knowing, grew apart
And though her morning smile were as warm as before
I only saw her sweet silhouette from afar
I had little knowing of whom to blame
For seasons came and seasons went
Through them I heard not the melody in my name
Except once when I slept, and heard my name while I dreamt

The last days were the worst of days
For I learnt she was going far far away
A new place, many miles away
Her last dance received its deserved praise
An applause that replaced all what words would say

Written by AYO ABEJIDE

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