Wednesday, October 7, 2015


 As a Registered member of the University of Lagos Press Club, it is my responsibility and duty to write on Programs that took place in the University and also on issues affecting the University Community (within and outside the school environment).
 On the 26th of September 2015, The 4th Annual Ngozi Agbo Memorial Lecture and Essay
Competition themed ACHIEVING SUCCESS IN THE DIGITAL AGE MEDIA: STANDING AGAINST ALL ODDS was held and it was organized by the Unilag Press Club.
The Speakers consisted of Highly placed Dignitaries mainly from the Media House -- Mr Sam Omatseye(Chairman Editor Board, The Nation), Mr Lekan Otufodurin(Online Editor, The Nation), Dr. Eghosa Imaseuen (CEO Farafina Publications), Mrs. Chi Chi Umeseaka(CEO, 9inteen Magazine) among many others.
    Mr Lekan Otufodurin spoke on Achieving Success Using the Social Media: Againt all Odds.
 He defined Success as the Accomplishment of Aims or Purposes or the Achievement of an action within a Specific Period of Time.
 He also outlined some tips on Achieving Success using the Social Media.
-- Acquire the Knoweledge on any desired area and keep updating it. Never take things for granted.
-- Use New Media to enhance your Academic Career e.g LinkedIn - A professional Social Media.
-- Be active online and be known for what you do.
-- Spend quality time online (decide wat you want to do before going online and keep to it)
-- Search for Oppourtunities on your desired arear.
-- Join Online Organization that are related to your Career or Profession.
-- Position yourself for oppournities (show people what you can do).
-- Participate in International Meetings( find our their blog, page and hastag).
-- Create Content (attend programmes and write an artiticle about it).
-- Be
-- Be Focused.
Mrs ChiChi Umeseke also spoke on Achieving Success with the aid of the aid of Social Media. She highlighted some points, which are -- Find your Niche and be Consistent.
-- Have a direction/ Know what you want/Find your place.
-- Take Risk(Predicted and Calculated Risk)
-- Dig Deep in Content (Read Deep/bring a different perspective of a Content).
-- Use your Voice wisely.
-- Use what you have to solve problems.
-- Try to be Unique in what you do.
In Summary, I encourage fellow Youths to do all they can do(Positive things) to Achieve Success, Spend our time wisely and let people know you by   what you do.  



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