Wednesday, October 7, 2015

DISAPPOINTMENT; A Set-back Or A Stepping Stone?

Hey beautiful people!!Happy new month!! I hope this month brings to us our expectations.. Been long I came around, it wasn’t planned that way though, truly sorry!!! Straight to business!,Please read to understand, comment and share.
1st Scenario.

No student wants to fail, we all want to come out with good grades. So you know that to excel you must work hard by studying well. But what happens when you read and study well, you even go extra mile to teach people that don’t know those courses well thinking that you are on track, only for the results to come out and what you got is far below what those you taught got.
2nd Scenario.
You have this friend that you are very close to. You guys talk about almost everything( work, school, family, friends and so on), you’ve also shared some secrets together. You wake up one day to find out that he /she has betrayed you.
3rd Scenario.
A 300 level law student who is visually impaired, but was lucky to be under the scholarship of the Senate president due to the the student’s dedication to his academics. The Senate president’s tenure ends and because of that, he cuts off the scholarship grant for the student (who doesn’t have anywhere else to turn to).
DISAPPOINTMENTS!!! A lot, if not all us have and will still come across this ‘guy’ in life. I will describe DISAPPOINTMENT as a state of not getting something hoped for at the planned or expected time. Many times, we hope to get certain things at particular periods but it doesn’t happen like that all the time. Something happened to me recently. I expected a great deal from a particular thing but what I got was so far from what I expected. It’s very funny how one can list out things that he/she wants to achieve and have everything planned out but ends up getting another thing ENTIRELY. You know that feeling right?
Heard several disappointing cases like;
• Sitting for the UTME severally
• Failing courses prepared for( 1st Scenario)
• Not having a child yet in marriage
• Broken promises
• The death of a loved one
• Scholarship termination (3rd Scenario)
• Betrayal from a close friend(2nd Scenario)
• Denial of promotion constantly at work and the list goes on
Throughout your life, you’ll be faced with many disappointments. Perhaps you’re dealing with a disappointment right out,whether someone you trusted let you down, something in your business or workplace didn’t go right, your life isn’t where you want it to be ; know that life just seems to have away of kicking us when we’re already down. It usually leads to discouragement and through time it gets hard to get over it. When we become discouraged, we turn into another person( not the person God wants us to be).
Remember Jeremiah 29:11 says ‘ For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope’.
You see, disappointment is not an easy thing to face, but standing strong face in the face of disappointment and picking yourself up afterwards is crucial to living a good life. What most of us do not know is that there are others who may be dealing with even worst situations than we are going through. Consider every disappointment a blessing and use it to learn for the future..
Without hope and expectation, you couldn’t have had disappointments. If you set your expectations lower, you’ll have less disappointment, and if you don’t have hope, your hope can’t be crushed. But then again, is living without hope  a life really worth living?
Let me conclude with these quotes;
‘’Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it’’ – Eliza Tabor
‘’If we will be quiet and ready enough, we shall find compensation in every disappointment’’ – Henry David Thoreau
‘’If you’re betrayed, release disappointment at once, by that way, the bitterness has no time to take root’’ – Toba Beta
‘’We must all suffer one of two things; the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment’’ – Jim Rohn
‘’ Don’t let today’s disappointments cast a shadow on tomorrow’s dreams’’
Stay Strengthened!!!

Written by MILAYO follow her here

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