Monday, August 17, 2015


Okay, the moment of truth is here. My first ever blog entry, I feel so excited and extremely scared at the same time. There’s a 50% chance it will be so good, that people who read it would find my view of life, events, politics and entertainment fun and refreshingly honest. They would crown me as THE VOICE OF A NEW GENERATION, right before they hand me my Nobel for Literature and I sell my blog and make ALIKO DANGOTE MONEY. But then again, there’s a 50% chance it’s
so horrible, that people who read it will go temporary blind, some of them might even contemplate suicide cause they can’t get back the 2 minutes of their life they spent reading it, my parents will disown me, the FBI will view my writing as an act of terrorism and unleash Jack Bauer to hunt me down, and the British will re-colonize us.
So for fear of being the reason the suicide rate in Nigeria will make a slight increase, and our colonial masters would try to make a comeback. I decided to do what any adolescent in this computer aged 21st century would do when faced with a challenging decision……………… I asked Google. I typed in “how to write a blog”, and sat back to watch as Google will unlock all the secrets and the dos and don’ts of BLOGGING. Google didn’t. Instead I was stuck with blogs, which were dedicated to educate people on how to blog. But I won’t lie, after going through like seven of these blogs about blogging, one advice seemed to be constant and a little meaningful to me. “Make the blog your own”. Now this was just an advice on blogging, but I got a different meaning from that advice. “Make the blog your own”. It implied I should be original in my writing and go directions I feel comfortable with. But it also entails that most people, me included, tend to try to be like others, most people imitate because they don’t believe people will like the “real them”. To that, I quote a friend of mine

I for one would not like to be the shy, judgmental, over-thinking, paranoid, self-loathing person I am. I would like to be more like Mr.  Kanye West(who I idolize). He is arrogant, protrudes confidence, loves himself, though he is paranoid, one thing we both have in common. But his paranoia makes him who he is, and he has accepted it, the world has accepted it, my paranoia makes me believe there’s a conspiracy by everyone in the world to toy with me, that every good gesture by a non-blood relative is done with insincerity and they watch me through hidden cameras and laugh at how pathetic I am. Don’t get me mistaken, being shy, judgmental and paranoid are not good traits but nobody is perfect, so why should I be. Embracing who I am, will go a long way in helping me sustain a two minute conversation with an attractive person of the opposite sex without sounding retarded and hating myself later for sounding retarded, cause I know for a damn fact am a smart bastard and now, she will never know it. Embracing who I am, will go a long way in helping me accept that a pleasant hello from a stranger is just that, a pleasant hello, and not a ploy to make me feel good for a moment cause I live a sad sad life and they pity me.
So basically, “make the blog your own” is a metaphor. A metaphor that applies to every individual, we all have that insecurity that kills us inside we would like to get rid of. Don’t. Make it your own. If you’re arrogant, be happy in your arrogance as long as it doesn’t make you ignorant. If you’re shy, be the best shy person you can be and take pride in it.  If you’re paranoid, stop being crazy and get a life, nobody has your time(Talking to myself there). At the end of the day, life will be a little easier if you can just ”make the blog your own” or better yet, if you can “make this life your own.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         - WRITTEN BY Benedict Morris


coherla said...

Nice 1

Unknown said...

I Just Made This Post My Own ��. Nice Writing. Good stuff. Content��