Friday, January 16, 2015

Poem: Boredom

Have you ever been bored, and feel like there is nothing to d
If yes, this lines are written for you.
NOTE; i hadbeen bored, you have and might still be bored, and some people, friends, folks would either at this point ore one day be bored.
Well the good news is this isnt a curse, as this is a plague
that as spread so much such that its virus is the highest recorded non medical virus,
and guess what its a major case affecting the youths
making them feel they dont know what to do,
like there is really really nothing yo do.
Or, has there been a time in a 24hr day, when there is really nothing to do?
Or you choose not to do things you could do, and should do, and do nothing that is been idle.
And you say everywhere is dry.
Ladies and Gentlemen your reservoir is getting dry.
Notice: Boredom is a majour plague of the urban not rural
so this virus gots lot, oh lot of siblings,
they got lot, oh lot of siblings,
they come gradually you never, ever hear, know, feel, or see them coming.
Some are masturbation, stealing, fraud and so on comes to mind, even weed.
Yes weed, no wonder a rural counterpart prefers weeding to weeding.
Though boredom is a problem of been idle
and as we know from the holy scriptures,
an idle mind is the devils workshop.
So i ask again have you ever been bored?
I know some would now want to say no
well, dont be ashamed like you dont know.
The cure to the plague is first the acceptance of the plague.
Therefore i gladly bring the cure.
They are giving alms to the poor, read scriptures, go help the widows, needy and old, and so on.
I could tell you lot  of jargons you know?
But ... I would say the real cure to boredon
is seeing it as a time to do what you love.
Remeber the cure for king Davids boredom,
was going to the war and not the lust.
Well do you know been bored is a good thing this time,
because, its an alarm to tell you, you still got much time
when you complain of no time.
I would always remember a certain time when i was bored,
i picked my pen and wrote this poem. 

By Egwu Emmanuel

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