Friday, January 16, 2015

The pros of this blog

-Ever tot of making your write up public?
-Ever tot of owning a blog for your write up?
-Or do you own a blog and its just too stressful to manage?
-Or do you own a blog and it is not meeting the intended public?

-Or your blog is doing fine, but you want more visitors or more views to your write up?

Here is a web site with a couple of pros for you. some are:
* You have a place to put anything you are writing about, and get a chance to promote it as you wish.
* You get your write up published to a vastly growing public.
* You get to own your write up (with copyright claims).
* You get a link you can use in directing people to your work (write up).
* Once a topic is searched for in any search engine concerning the subject of your write up, your work could get displayed.
* Once your name is searched in any search engine, your write up comes up with your name.
* If you own a web site for your write up, your web link can be added to your write up (with contact and anything you wish to add).
* You get to read related articles and see what other writers in your genre/niche are writing about. 

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