Friday, September 18, 2015


        A quick apology mumbled, I hand him my transport fare, and all hell breaks loose.
“Warraido?” I wondered.
And then I made out the words amidst his angry outburst. Ohhhhh! I handed him the money with my left hand. Oga driver went on and on! Spitting fire like Sango (the god of Thunder).
He did not …could not stop …about
how mannerless and uncultured young gurls had become these days. And then he did it! He asked if I wanted to soil all his prayers to GOD for ‘alubarika’ (fortune) this morning by handing him money with my left hand. If I wanted to bring him bad luck. He most probably  believed I was devilsent.
The lady beside me told him I excused my action and apologized in advance as my right hand was occupied.
All of a sudden, he was calm. He had said so many things …he no con know how hin go do.
In typical Christie style, I continue to remain silent. Let him stew and marinate in all the things he said. Make he soak all the juice, make e enter hin body wella.
He shifted in his seat and began to sputter an apology and the ‘I didn’t know’ stories that touch. So I asked him if the Badluck had suddenly evaporated now that he knew I excused my action.
Humanoids are a funny bunch. Now badluck was no longer in the equation? The god of badluck and all his cohorts had chosen to spare him because I excused my use of left hand? And what’s worse? He believed my left handed ish had rendered his morning prayers null and void. That is worse than unbelief. Infact I say that is ‘Inbelief’.
I collect my change and I ex. No time. OYO is his case. I’m a gurl on a mission. I’ve got a flight to catch. But GOD help him if I get to Sabo (my destination) and all the juicy watermelons and cucumbers have been picked by the folks who came earlier. GOD help him if I have to settle for smaller ones, because by the time he looks at all the money he made at the end of the day, nor be “Central Bank of Nigeria” hin go see dia, na “Central Bank of Badluck”.
And yes, I was taking a flight to Sabo *raised brows* Any kweshon?
Morning Earthlings
Ah love una!


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