Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Hmmm, I feel like I am about to drop a heavy load as I write this piece. I won’t say I am free even after this write up, because I know I would be indebted to reply comments of faithful readers, I would want to write more, monitor my website, try to live a good life, and many more comes to mind to do. It is like am never free.
This brings me to the topic. When the word freedom comes up, sub-consciously, the liberty-life comes into mind. Like I can do what I want to do, where I want to do it, when I want to do it, and how I want to do it, without answering the ‘why did I do it question’ to anybody. Please for the sake of this article I am not talking about the kind of freedom a slave gets from his master or a country from its colonial masters. I am talking about that personal kind of freedom, at work, in marriages, in schools etc., that kind of freedom that happens in cartoons, not in real life. That freedom that’s only a fallacy.
So we would be looking at freedom from two definitions taken from the Cambridge advanced learner’s dictionary third edition.

*The condition or right of being able or allowed to do, say, think, etc. whatever you want to, without being controlled or limited.
            I guess if I do understand this definition, here it talks about the kind of freedom where we exhibit our basic human right. Right to life, choice, speak, to be informed, to justice, to be who you legally want to be etc., this is where liberty comes to play right?
            In contrast liberty according to this same dictionary is “the freedom to live as you wish or go where you want”which in my nearest surrounding its almost or entirely impossible.
            Where parents decide the fate of their children, even for the child un-born. I hear an expectant father say to his wife “the child in your womb is going to study medicine if she is a girl, or study engineering if he is a boy,” and the child un-born has to live with the fate of an early cut in his/her professional freedom.
            Where your parents have an unsettled dispute with another family and invariably infringe you on your rights to movement.
            Where your boss asks you to call white as black, and your so called freedom / liberty dare not allow you speak nay. If you eventually say nay, then freedom of justice wont justify the justness of your justly action.
            You call anybody in this environ free? Because I would ask what is he free from? When a man wakes up, he doesn’t want to go to work, because he loves nothing he does. After he forces himself to work, closing time he doesn’t want to go home, he hasn’t got much to give his wife, or he was married on contract basis (probably to get citizenship, business deal etc.), now he is tired of the marriage. This brings me to the second definition of the dictionary in use.
*The state of not being in prison. This is what I tend to laugh at. What is a prison? According to this same dictionary. A building where criminals are forced to live as a punishment. Just now let’s forget the part where its meant for criminals and change the word ‘criminals’ to ‘people’, as the second definition goes a situation or relationship from which it is difficult to escape.
So this is my concept of a prison, a secured place you try to survive in, can’t escape from, and from which you are forced to follow a particular order or protocol. In this place you dare not escape, you escape you probably die. So how do you explain this?
            We live in a world where we are bounded with shackles of gravity, and anyone who breaks this chain, and escape into space wouldn’t survive, even with aid you can only survive but for a while. A world ruled by some sect of people called leaders, who deliver speeches saying “freedom…. Independence …. Rights ….blablabla” but in their meetings, they set up rules we are all bounded and must leave by. They give the freedom, dictate the freedom, and can take the freedom.
            Well I`m no prophet of doom, neither am I a motivational speaker, am just a writer, writing out my thoughts. So if you ask me what I think of the word freedom, I would start with the lyrics of a song we sang back in secondary school days;
            “We shall become whatever we choose to be
            No king, no lords, no knave can say us nay
            For we believe that man is a potential doctor, or lawyer, or crook, or dwarf, or giant
            Whichever he sets his mind to be.
            I believe freedom is a thing of the mind, everybody have one person he/she answers to. But if I love music and I practice music, no matter the challenge, I face it. I don’t get to see my mistakes as extra work, because I love what I do, in fact I wouldn’t mind staying extra hours in the studio if possible sleep there.
            “I have not slept in my house over one year. I have been living in the studio at Lekki”
                                                                                                            Don Jazzy.
            You ask me what has this got to do with freedom, I would tell you the opposite of freedom is bondage. According to the dictionary in use bondage is; ‘the state of being another person's slave.’
            So if I love agriculture and I am forced to carry my father’s pharmacy company, don’t be surprised if I run at a lost, or die from depression, because I would grumble, face stress, as such be a slave in a field where there are masters, “a slave can’t be better than his master”
            Little wonder how Ebola was curbed in Nigeria; A certain female doctor (AmeyoAdadevoh) who could have run for her dare life, stood at the door saying “man you can’t leave this place”, knowing she was open to infections from a disease which she already knew there was no cure to. Yet she stood her ground, knowing what she loved was the safety of her country. She was free to leave, worst case scenario the government would seize her certificate, and she would still be living. But no, doing that would put her in her mental bondage, taking blame for every death she could have stopped. Probably dying unfulfilled, in her own bondage.
            Could give lot of examples like, David and music -even as a king he wrote psalms, and his dance was so much that he was mocked by his wife. Jesus and teaching -he could be a carpenter and still die for sins.Or imagine Samson the strong as a palm wine tapper he could probably tie himself to the tree with his hair.
            I`m of a school of thought that says we all have a purpose, so my examples are based on this. Well it doesn’t matter which school you choose to follow, like I said am just a writer putting down my thoughts.
 I just know the moment the mind is free, the whole world doesn’t seem to matter, you move, talk, like you own the world, you are happy, and that is true freedom.
Freedom is not a fallacy, it is to be earned, and only a few earn theirs. With this I leave you with the lyrics of a music icon
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind……” Bob Marley


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