Friday, March 13, 2015


Just don't say anything, because you don't know.
You dont know how much hurt i feel
anytime i realize it was my fault all this are happening.
You dont know
how much hurt i feel
sitting beside you, but knowing how far you are from me.
You dont know that when you complain i didnt text you
i wrote,deleted, wrote, deleted, wrote, deleted cause no word could qualify you.
Non of those words were true in truth, you dont know to me you are you indiscribable.
You dont know my staying away,
was to make sure i didnt cause you pain.
You dont know how much pain,
am now taking, to make sure you are not a bit away.
You dont know, i left my own friends to be with you only,
only to watch you leave with your friends.
You dont know how much i didnt mean it,
when i said i was leaving.
Cause i said am leaving, like am not leaving,
knowing leaving you, is like am not living.
Dont tell me you understand,
cause you dont know. 

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