Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Most adults look back over the course of their life and have a sigh, not of fulfillment, or of some achievements of greatness, but at their eluded childhood, the impunity of infancy and the lost felicity of childhood, this cogitative regret is brought about when adults measure their life on some kind of acid test and
realize that their aspiration, ambitions, their illusions of the future, of what they could have been, of where they had wanted to go (places they had wanted to see), humanitarian deeds they could have partnered, the heights they aspired to attain, and so much more have been unattained, they therefore term themselves “failure” and most time zone off into some kind of hidden place, where they are shielded off from all the glamor and the toils and hard work of achievements.
They aren’t afraid of success NO!!! They are just scared of failing; they just won’t attempt success because it’s too much work. This is what is called the COMFORT ZONE SYNDROME. They’ll advice someone to strive for greatness, they’ll motivate people to success, become success tutor to a host of up and comings, but they would never step up to the limelight, for them it’s just over, they aren’t going to strive for that responsibility of becoming a success again, but, as have been proven, Nature abhors a vacuum, if you aren’t putting something into you, nature fills you up with anything…. Anything, call it natures law of balance or equilibrium; you just aren’t going to be here without been something either positive or negative. Nature abhors a vacuum as Bhagavard-Gita said

“If thou will not fight thy battle of life because in selfishness thou art afraid of the battle, thy resolutions is in vain; nature will compel thee”
So the next time you start thinking of zoning off, remember; nature abhors a vacuum and you aren’t just zoning off, you are getting uselessly filled, what you are getting filled with, I don’t know.

                                                …to who reads, let him understand….
                                                                        KHLEB WRIGHT

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