As I moved my pen through paper to write this piece, there is a great
emotion burdened in my chest. It is a desire for what lacks; a woman
that is worth everything because she is all the heart craves.
The woman who is the making of me and the revelation of the best of me. This desire stands so strong because of the apparent contrast of the selfish, valueless women that surrounds me. Will I ever find her?
For more of my articles visit click on my name on the label below or find me on my webpage here,Or does my kind of woman exist at all? Therefore, I write this out there to bring me a promise of such a woman. Who really is this woman?
I have met women whose only interest in me are the things I can give. Apparently, I have very little and so they have no reason to stay. That is how I became labelled the man without prospects. But they are wrong! If they weren’t too myopic but could see beyond material things, they would have seen qualities within me worth more than the treasure stores of all the orientals. So, they are here for what things you have presently and will serve them presently. If you are a woman having such an untrained eye, blame no one when you end up in the wrong place with the wrong person for the miserable rest of your life.
Whatever happens to the woman complements a man? Does she now make her appearance when all things seem complete? Whatever happens to ‘behind every successful man there is a woman?’. Does she now exist only to reap the fruits of the successful man she did not sow at first? Whatever happens to ‘for better or for worse’? Does she now stand only ‘for better’ and falls apart ‘for worse’? The kind of woman that my heart craves is nothing like this. But does she exist?
Yes! Somewhere I believe, reading this article as if its a composition about her. If her heart has been corrupted by these other women, then I want her back. Has she developed the mental disposition to a diamond ring? I need her then to see that I am more than a diamond ring because my heart, words and all of me is diamond to her soul only if she could see. Has she placed herself too high so that only the affluent can climb up to her? She needs to come down to the dust where I stand. My love rocket takes its passenger on the ground and the sky is not its limit but the boundless universe.
Why does she set standards that I cannot meet, her true man? Does she not prefer anymore the happiness that comes from being in her rightful and perfect paradise with the love of her heart to the happiness that riches and promises bring? Riches do not mean wealth because wealth is the true worth of a man’s soul. Money is a value that bows even to the soul that is priceless. Promises can come from the mouth issuing lies. One who is setting a future on promises of a man should definitely expect that future to suffer the fate of the sand castle when the waves of the sea comes upon it. Do not be deceived my woman!
Deep inside her heart, she knows what truly makes a woman happy. Is it not the smile of a spouse that praises her beauty? Is it not the words coming from his heart that tells her she means the world to him? Is it no longer the magical sound of the heart that beats faithfully for her alone and no one else? Is it not the secure haven in the embrace of a man she knows will give anything and everything for her. Is it not the firm grip of her man on her hands even when he stares fear and death in the face to challenge it for his chance to be with her? Happiness comes from having the man that will risk and give, anything and everything except her but for her. Let her find this man. Let her find me.
Yes, the kind of woman deserves the place of a queen. She deserves a home to live in. She deserves a heart to stay in. She deserves the worship of a goddess. She deserves more praises than all nature’s beauty put together. You know why? Because that is her true worth. For example, a woman married to a king may not be worth a queen. But a woman who makes her shepherd boy on the hills the king of the kingdom is truly worth a queen. The crown on her head is not what makes her a queen but the crown on her soul. For example, a woman living with a man in his house does not mean she is worthy of a home. She has to lay the foundation of that house again with trust, lay every brick with integrity and paint it will all the thousand colors of love. A home does not come from what materials it is made of but from the heart that is making it.
For example, the woman that earns the confession of love from her man does not mean she deserves that heart to stay in. She needs to sense his heart and nourish it with trust, acceptance, admiration, approval, appreciation and encouragement. That way, she opens the doors to his heart and earns her right to all the space inside there. For example, the woman that is beautiful of form does not mean she deserves the worship of a goddess. If she only pleases the eyes on the head, what then about the eyes seeing from the heart? When your beauty are of words and deeds, you open the eyes of his heart to see how beautiful you are. That is how he begins to praise you far more than nature’s beauty and rever you like a goddess.
I hope this reaches you the woman of my dreams. I need you now more than ever. I have prospects built taller than sky scrappers, but still in my head. I need your approval to set this down on reality’s ground. My dream scares me because it is too awesome for me to walk it alone. Will you come now to take my hand and walk me through to the apex of it? My success story deserves a temple to be built in its honor and praise. And I want that temple built in your name because you are the soul to whom I owe what success I become.
Where are you?
I beg you, hurry now to me.
Written by Segun Peters, (spate_gle)
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