Saturday, March 28, 2015


“I don't wanna be accompanied"
I want to be alone.
He hugs me, as if he wants the life out of me.
I go on, not looking back.
This would be fun. To the world,
I'd be a facade, invincible.
I turn to my bag, my earphones and phone. MUSIC!!!
I plug them.
“I'm on top of the World"
I'd feel out of place “without those songs".
Things just couldn't get better, it just couldn't. 😒
Along he comes, seen by the last person I don't wanna be with. A Stranger.
I shall try to ignore his presence, and hope to God, that he evaporates.
He touches me, as if to say:
*“Earth to Ifedolapo"
*“Leave me alone, could you just be run over by a lorry?"
The only way to send him away is to encourage him, to seem to give him my attention.
I let go of the left earpiece, faking interest.
“My name is ---, yours?"
What's worse? He's going my way.
“Can I accompany you?"
Do i look like I wanna be accompanied?
*“Away with you, dim-witted fellow".
I grin.
He insists, i give in.
Hence, a hullabaloo of a monologue ensued.
“Yeah", “No"...
I now regret not letting him accompany me.
He compliments my mask.
How amusing?
If only he knew How much of an asshole I am.
Then comes the moment we've been waiting for, the perfect chance to blow him off.
“I wanna be your friend"
“I'm not friendly"
“Blah Blah Blah..."
His vanity amuses me.
His inability to speak good English, creates a disgust in me.
“Can I have your number?"
Urgh, don't they abate? Don't they ever?
I try to distract him by distracting me,
but this dim-witted fella seems determined. I give him anyways.
Not like I look forward to talking to him. He still follows me.
“Skedaddle" ARGH!!! Where is a fatal accident when needed? I move faster.
Finally, he gets it, says his loud yet inaudible goodbye. I hurry home.
“Imagine" comes on, and I ponder:
What if: I was invisible, my cries inaudible? My heart hurt,
And I feel it not? My presence felt, caused no heart to melt? At me you look,
And read me clearly as a book? And amidst the whines,
My star still shines?
But before me, is reality, I gotta face it:
Everything was made to make me uneasy.


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