Thursday, July 9, 2015


Somethings are meant to be, somethings are not meant to be. Those things that are not meant to be, come to be most likely due to our mistakes. The consequences of this so called mistakes, are what we see that makes us say somethings are not meant to be.

                What about those mistakes that turns out good, and are all positive? Are they meant to be or not to be?
                First; not all that appear as mistakes are actually mistakes.
                Second thought; if the so called mistakes turns out positive, then it most likely might have been ‘what should be’ to bring forth ‘what would be’, because ‘what shouldn’t be’ would change ‘what would be’ to ‘what would have been’ and that’s what mistake is.
                Let’s consider this. A guy going out of the country, had an accident on the way to the airport. Everybody survived (what should be). The plane he was to catch crashed, nobody survived (what would be). If he left earlier, he might have met the plane, and that would be his death (what would have been).
                You don’t ever with the mortal mind know if you are currently making a mistake, or you are on the right path. Includes choices we make, our wants, decision we take etc. therefore when something negative happens, don’t see it as the end of the world, see it as a ‘what should be’ that would create a better ‘what would be’. Isn’t this complicated?

    Written by Egwu Emmanuel ECOE

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