Monday, July 13, 2015


                You know that moment you are sure you know what you are doing, and someone somewhere is trying to dictate your path. This is how I want you to look at them.
                Observe people who check who check out themselves with the use of a tinted window glass, be it building or car window.

                Sometimes they know how they look already, sometimes they don’t, but whichever way they look at their image on the mirror and make necessary adjustment/finishing touch all to appear pleasant. Sometimes passerby come by to say things like “sis there is a loose thread down your shirt” “bro there is mud on your pant”, whichever way it comes, they advise, and you take heed so you look better.
                But there are this sect of people inside the building, or car, the only good thing they have that concerns you is that tinted window. They all have negative comments, they grumble, they even laugh at you, but you can’t hear them because the window is closed. You know they are there but you ignore them, because the only thing you care about is the outcome of that image you see on the tinted glass.
                Now, this is the point. On the road to achievements, there are those passerby that would help, there are those that would not notice you and just pass like you were never there, these ones you dot need.
                But there are this no-moving people, that all they see is the negative, they are the people behind the tinted glass. They would be there if you don’t turn out good, and they would still be there to praise you when you finish your adjustments and end up gorgeous. So you ignore them like they were never there, but know sub-consciously know they are.
                This is a quick break down. For a real life situation, the passerby could be sponsors. The people behind the tinted glass could be discouragers when you are just starting, and they could be fans to tell you how you look, when you done adjusting. The tinted window is the eye, of which people look at you, and the image is what you want those eyes to see when you are done adjusting.
                I’ll say, that which you want to do, what you love to do, do it. Ignore what people say, when you get to a difficult position, call a passerby, and MOVE ON.

                                                 Written by Egwu Emmanuel ECOE.

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