subject that I find really fascinating is the idea of gratitude. You might be faced with so many suggestions in your reality that constantly keep you in a state of thinking bad thoughts the whole time but understand that nothing will change until you choose to think good thoughts no matter what they are to you. Some of us have the ability to be lost in the beauty of our dreams that makes us feel good which is a good thing and you should certainly keep doing it if you fall under this categ
ory, while some of us might be trapped in the shackles of the present reality; unable to see a way out. But maybe your way out could be through the shit hole you're in and this of course would mean you consciously choose to see the blessings or good in every bad situation you might be faced with because no matter how well you argue on this subject, if you look deep enough, you will find that there's always something to be grateful for. So as you choose to constantly find the light in the midst of the shit storm that might have clouded your world, you'll definitely see for yourself that life is an inside job and all that's on the outside is a result of all that's been impressed on the inside of you which should obviously create a sense of responsibility on your part, starting right now as you deliberately choose to keep seeking out the good in all things no matter what. As we all know, Jesus Christ thanked God for every situation he found himself, whether favourable or not and so with every great inspiration that have existed from the beginning of time because they understood this TRUTH
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