lives, chores, works and obligations, becoming needy of things that are incompetent and in which we hope to fill the emptiness in our hearts with, leaving us desperate and self-seeking. Now, let’s take a moment to understand why we might be so angry, emit feelings of unworthiness and maybe even cry ourselves to sleep at night as we soak our hearts in regret all because we forget the true essence of being alive. Could it be, we forget that every moment come and go with only one mission? To remind us of our natural state and perhaps, the feeling of aliveness and all the goodness that comes with it. Remembering each day, that life’s all about sharing, giving, and most of all loving in every way we can through our works and basically, every part of us, knowing fully well that the greatest gifts one could ever give or receive are gifts from the heart wrapped in the glittering sparks of LOVE. So let’s take a moment to search our hearts as we allow love lead the way to our beautiful dreams.
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