Monday, February 23, 2015


He died! He died!! He died!!!
I had a friend and he died.
I tot he lied when he said he was to
See i was his friend, though, at first i didn't return his friendship
he knocked and i told him to leave,
he had my back, i told him to leave,
he showed me the way, i told him to leave,
he gave me bread, i eat, loved it, asked for more, but guess what, after the bread and fishes, i stood up and took my leave.
He raised me up, put mud in my eyes to see, changed my water to wine, did lot of good things, but, all this good only for a while stays in my heart before i told him . . . . . LEAVE!!!
He had friends but it was me he wanted,
they followed him, but he followed me,
they could give him a place to stay, but he chose to knock on my door, only if i would let him in,
but, instead i hissed, ptsheew, and turned my back on him.
Not until he offered me his flesh,
and, i was fed up of his longing for friendship,
did i give him time.
Although, he knew my friendship wasn't true,
and he knew what i wanted to do,
that my intentions wasn't good.
Yet, he was waiting for my kiss,
and i did kiss him.
Well, only then did my love start to rise,
and, had great regret, i gave the kiss,
and it was too late for the conspiracy,
'cause he died.
Now he is dead, he died!
He died not because he wanted to, but that he needed to, just because he valued the friendship i didn't give.
He died! He died!!
He died and i cried, regretting the kiss i hung myself.
He died, and the earth shook.
He died, and the veil was torn.
He died, and took the key of life and death that i may not die.
He died! He died!!
A part of me was still wanting him to stay dead,
but, he made so many promises, he could not just lie in a tomb guarded by my own forces.
So one, two, three up he arose.
When i tried faking the news, he showed me his hands and there were the holes.
I tried apologizing,
but he was like sssshhh, his blood hath washed and cleansed me.
He said his flesh was offered as bread so i could live,
that his stripes had made me healed,
that his death had reddened me from my transgression,
that his death had given me a cause to rise,
that his death had given him power over death,
that his death had offered me a panacea,
'cause it wasn't just the death, it was that sacrifice of the blood that speak better than the blood of Abel.
He was that spotless lamb who bore my iniquity,
and i am the whole of humanity,
and he was and is still Christ Jesus who on the cross settled it,
where he said it is finished.
Now i openly declare the acceptance of my friendship.
The question is. . . . .
                                Written by Egwu Emmanuel

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