Monday, January 11, 2016

$1000 for 1000 Words Writing Contest 01/Feb/2016

About the $1000 for 1000 Words Writing Contest
Welcome aspiring young authors, and thank you for your interest in the $1000 for 1000 Words fiction-writing contest! We’re looking for an outstanding piece of short fiction that consists of exactly 1000 words. While there are no specific guidelines beyond that, we encourage you to tell a story that matters. Write something you believe in. Tell a story that only you can tell. Our judges have no specific criteria in mind other
than to look for excellence. In other words, write something that moves you, that dazzles you, that says precisely what you want to say in precisely the way you want to say it. As long as you do so in precisely 1000 words!
Last year we had over 900 entries from 46 states and 23 countries, and we’re hoping for even more this year.
Please read the Contest Rules and FAQs carefully. We reserve the right to reject submissions solely on the basis of conformity to these guidelines.

 The deadline for the $1000 for 1000 Words contest is February 1, 2016. Entries received after February 1, 2016 will not be considered.

For more information visit BLUEFIRE

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